If you want to be successful and also want to have an aspiration in life, first thing to always establish is your ground, where do you stand, personally, professionally, religiously, emotionally and what you aspire to achieve before you are shot down by nature and close your eyes from these smaller worries to earn, to demand respect, to get angry, to be loved and you can really go on and on, because it’s a never ending wish list of many people around us.

You need to have a target, mission, aspiration, goal, which keeps you on the go and doesn’t let you to settle with what you have already achieved. That’s the group of people, who are true advocates of change and has got the appropriate mindset to pursue their blur ambitions, indeed in addition of your capabilities, your willpower also plays pivotal role when you embark on this journey. My father always advised us that “will power is nothing but your power to attain your will”, learn to hold your ground with patience. Though the bigger component around these people is always their real motive or intent behind their efforts which needs also to be properly anchored, like if that’s all about few immediate human needs or you could think big and see beyond what normally people can’t see or imagine.

Always Keep in mind, that time is the only factor which many legends also failed to control and sometimes proven to be your worse enemy. No one gets endless time to solve your jigsaw. Be optimistic, establish your ground and understand your strengths and weaknesses because those will help you establish a clear path towards your goals and never ignore the biggest time variable which can easily swing your ambitions or plans to the south.

Sometimes, you only need a trigger and often its hidden in our basic. Like Learn what you admire, success comes after crisis, follow your dream, don’t argue with an idiot, plan of time, don’t live in the past, understand your competition well, establish your strengths and recognize your weaknesses, be a learner for life, believe in continuous learning, manage your blind spots, listen to understand not to answer, be a team player etc.

For me the trigger for change has been the golden words which i heard in my life from many, like few excellent speakers in the trainings i attended face to face and from LinkedIn Learning which is also an excellent collection of short videos for all of us to learn. Some of my favorite ones are i.e. The most difficult job i will give to the laziest person in my team because he or she will find an easy way to do it. Keep it simple stupid KISS model. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Don’t argue with an idiot because he will bring you to him level and then beat you with his experience. Kiss High and Kick Low. Another one which i recently learnt is by Captain Sandy, she said if i wake up in the morning, thinking about you than it will be your last day with me, which shows a strong leadership and ability to communicate her expectations to the team. Success is a combination of Character and Capability by Rachal Botsman and that always coach the whole person. One of the recent ones is about a CEO who didn’t hire a very talented person just because at a dinner together that person puts salt on his meal without tasting it first and CEO said that he doesn’t want to hire people who will take decisions without looking at the facts first, an excellent leadership style and i fully agree with his approach.

The message, I want to leave you with is to find your trigger for change and it can be from anyone or anything. Keep your eyes and mind open, listen to understand, learn to let go, live in present, take advice, think ahead, have fun, be a team player, lean to develop partnership, rub your shoulders with right people and above all when you make your decisions than hold your ground and don’t give up before you give you best.